Saturday, March 13, 2010

How Many Hats do You Wear?

I was just wondering. How many hats do you wear? No, we are not talking about literal hats here, but the roles and functions people carry out in relation to one another. (Yeah, those types of hats).

Here is a list of all the various hats that I wear at work in addition to Employer/Employee.

  • Youth Leader
  • Neighbor
  • Roommate
  • Friend
  • Publication Design Editor
  • Mentor
  • Tutor
  • Sunday School Teacher
  • Bible Study Leader
  • Advocacy Leader
Completely random list- but that is what happens when you hire 22 employees from your church. I wonder how many other professional Inner-City Missionaries/Design-Photographers/Political Advocates/Chick-Fil-A Managers there are in the world. 

It is surprisingly hard to say "I am a member of a church that believes in the value, dignity, and inherient value of all people as created beings in the image of God." and at the same time say "I am a member of an organization that believed all individuals should be treated with value, dignity, and respect." While these two things sound very similar (and infact the latter is based in the former) there is a slight distinction. It is hard to tell someone "I think that you are wonderful person created in the image of God and I seek to love and serve you in every way possible, but you have a poor work ethic and bad attitude and we are going to have to terminate your employment with our organization. 

Have I ever mentioned, I don't like hats?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finally Open!

Today is the grand opening of our little CFA. Yesterday the first 100 camped out at the store waiting over 24 hours for the store to open. All of our management team hit the streets spreading the word about the CFA opening, stopping cars and flagging down buses to pass out coupons for free food. It was a fun filled, action packed adventure all the way around. Meanwhile, today will be complete chaos I am sure (luckily I am closing the store tonight so I get to miss all of the mad rush at lunch time.)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Friday last week was my last week of off-site manager training. Monday we started orientation for our pilot group. For those of you who do not know- our CFA unit is test run for a new employee training program and twenty of our staff were selected to participate. As with any new, uncharted waters there is often confusion and lack of communication because of the thousands of unplanned cenarios that possibly could be encountered (but nobody expects will ever happen).

Today is Wednessday, last night I found out that I am being sent back off site to train employees in the pilot group- which means I am missing the last week of manager training on-site at my store. While I am a little frustrated (more about being off-site than missing the training) I am really glad for the time I get to spend with all of our staff getting to know them- it will help a lot once we get going next week.